Stress at work is a common problem that can affect many of us at some time. Feeling some tension is normal, especially if you’re facing an upcoming deadline or challenging task. But when work stress becomes chronic, it can end up affecting both your physical and emotional well-being. Stress can bring with it significant health problems that can be as small as cold or flu-like symptoms or can range to potentially serious problems such as heart disease. So let’s look at some ways to reduce stress at work.
As it is nearly impossible to find a low-stress job, the best approach to dealing with work stress is to take on a proactive approach to finding coping strategies. Here are our top management techniques to reduce stress at work.
Ways To reduce Stress
1 Have A Good Start To The Day
You wouldn’t realise how much a stressful morning can then affect your mood when you arrive at work. You will be more sensitive and react more emotionally to office demands if you have arrived stressed and worked up. Many factors can bring this on such as dealing with the children, road traffic, lack of breakfast. If you try to start your day right with good planning, proper food, and a positive attitude, you will be surprised at how much easier it is to deal with the demands when you arrive at work.
2 Understand What Is Expected From You
This is a key link to employee burnout. If you are unsure what is expected from you, what the task is that you need to complete or if things keep changing at the last minute then this can become extremely stressful for you. This is easy to remedy by talking to your supervisor or manager. Have a clear conversation about what they expect and discuss ways to reach the goal. This will help to relieve some of your stress, and maybe even theirs too!
3 Be Organised
Feeling stressed at work can be closely linked to your time management of the tasks (Time on Task) you need to complete. At the start of the week, make a list of what needs to be done and rank them in importance, or time they need to be completed. When you complete one, cross it off the list. The physical act of seeing a task completed in front of you will relieve your stress and help you to see that you are completing what you need to. Being organised will also mean that you can avoid the workspace clutter that can also be linked to work stress. What is stress ?
4 Be Realistic
Trying to be a perfectionist can cause problems for you at work, and also for those around you. Although it is a great quality to want everything you do to be perfect, it is an unrealistic demand on yourself and can lead to burnout. A good strategy to deal with this is to try your best in every situation and task that you complete and make time to congratulate yourself on your efforts. By doing this you may find that you are more productive at work with less stress.
5 Balance Your Work And Personal Life
If you find that you are leaving work late, and still then working from home at all hours or cancelling or missing out on planned events because you are working at home. These are key signs that your work and personal life balance is out. Being available to work around the clock will lead to burnout. Set boundaries with your work colleagues and managers about when you can and can’t be contacted outside of work, or when you will check and respond to emails. Set aside specific time for socialising and spending time with family and friends as your family are just as, or even more, important. How to create a postive work life balance.
6 Have A Work Support Network
During times of stress, it is really important to surround yourself with a support network. This can be your friends and family but also ensure that you are supported at work. Being properly supported by your management can significantly alleviate workplace stress. Set up a time to talk calmly with your manager or supervisor about the stress that you are feeling and the challenging tasks. Approach the conversation as a problem-solving chat rather than a complaint. Make sure you leave the conversation with a solution and that both parties feel happy. How to create a positive workplace environment.
Five Key Skills For Improving Mental Health At Work
There are five key skills that you need to develop if you want to help champion good mental health at work. Mental Health professionals use the acronym AGLEE, which stands for:
- Assess the situation
- Listen non-judgmentally
- Give reassurance and information
- Encourage self-help
- Encourage professional help
Upskilling you and your team
You don’t need to be a mental health professional to help your colleagues through difficult times – you could join a growing community of people championing good mental health at work by becoming a mental health first aider. Just like a physical first aider doesn’t need to be a doctor or nurse, anyone can learn the skills needed to be mental health first aider. And, just as physical first aid is about being able to provide an effective first response and to call for further assistance, mental health first aid is all about recognising the signs of trouble, understanding a colleague’s needs, and helping signpost them to further help.
How To Handle Returning To Work
This could be because of the lockdown from coronavirus, took time off to raise a family, furloughed or just decided to return back to the workplace. The most pressing concerns for people retiring to the workplace are.
- Worry over face-to-face engagement at work
- Mild agoraphobia when leaving the house for the first time in weeks
- Separation anxiety from the people they have been in regular contact with
- Co-dependency on the people they have been in lockdown with
Communication Is Key
If you are planning to return to the workplace soon and are experiencing negative or worrying feelings, there are a few things you can do to ensure you protect your mental health. Firstly, talk things through. Sharing how you are feeling with friends and family helps keep people aware of where you’re at and what you’re working through.
You may feel comforted that you’re not the only one feeling this way. It’s also important to speak to your colleagues and your manager to discuss the changes that will be made to the office and ways of working to ease your concerns.
Reduce The Stress At Work Move At Your Pace
It is likely that although you are back in the office, it won’t be the same as it was when you left and some people may find this difficult at first. Remember everyone will deal with returning to the workplace in a different way, and just because a colleague feels comfortable and is ready to return to normal, does not mean you need to go at the same pace!
With careful consideration and open communication, we believe all employers and employees can comfortably return to work when restrictions allow, if work place mental health is at the forefront of their discussions.
Why People Leave Work
There are many reasons people leave work and it could be just a change in circumstances or lifestyle. One thing for sure is how it is increasing and down to one particular topic. The results of a recent study showed that 50% of Millennials and 75% of Gen-Zers quit a job due to issues related to mental health.
What Cause Metal Health Issues At Work
Today it is vital for employers to create mentally healthy environment for all employees. The wider economic costs of mental illness in England have been estimated at £105.2 billion each year. This includes direct costs of services, lost productivity at work and reduced quality of living.
From time to time it’s good to seek validation in what we do. Stop the world for a moment and reflect on our lives, is it going where we want it, do we need to change direction and the people around us. Does work make us miserable, are we capable of changing anything. We need to recognise when we need to seek help.
Interested in ensuring you are looking after your employees? Our Mental Health First Aid Training Course is essential for any businesses that want to look after their employee’s health. For more information, please get in touch.
What Are Some Relaxation Techniques?
There are lots of ways that you can practice relaxation and build it into your daily routine. These can include: deep breathing, massage, yoga, aromatherapy and visualisation. These will all help to centre you and allow your brain to focus on something else so you will be able to temporarily forget about the stress.
What Is The First Step In Handling Stress?
The first step in handling your stress is to know what is causing it. You need to pinpoint the trigger in order to be able to address the issue and deal with it. If you cover up your symptoms then you are not dealing with the issue.
What Is Good Stress Called?
Yes there is such a thing! Good stress is called ‘eustress’ and you feel it when you are excited. Your pulse quickens and hormones surge but there isn’t any fear or panic.
All clinicians at Oxford CBT practice Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or are Psychologists, providing evidence-based interventions and support for a range of issues for both young people and adults.