Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Testing And Diagnosis
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the term used to describe a condition that includes several symptoms including impulsiveness, difficulties concentrating on one task, and hyperactivity. ADHD is not a disease, and therefore, it cannot be “cured.” With effective treatments and therapies, however, children and adults with ADHD can receive meaningful assistance and successfully integrate it into their daily lives. ADHD diagnosis Oxford.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Testing And Diagnosis
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the term used to describe several conditions that typically affect a person’s social interactions, behaviour and ability to learn. Autism is not a disease, and therefore, it cannot be “cured.” ASD does, however, affect every individual differently. With effective treatments and therapies, people on the autism spectrum can receive meaningful assistance and successfully integrate the disorder into their daily lives.
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